Every school has a school community council consisting of the principal, elected teachers and parents. Parent members must exceed the principal and staff by at least two. Parent input is important in the decisions made by councils. Parent participation on school community councils is important. Councils prepare, adopt, and implement education plans at their school.
School improvement is the responsibility of everyone, from students and parents to professionals and public officials. As we clarify roles, expectations, and responsibilities, we increase the likelihood of each contributing significantly to this most important enterprise. School community councils are one way we can work together to make schools more successful. A council is an advisory body. All of its actions and plans are overseen by the local school board or local charter board. The tools currently available on this page, along with others being developed, are intended to encourage parent involvement and to help school community councils work smoothly and effectively.
Why should parents participate?
- Improved student success and well-being for ALL students
- Engaged parent representation in decision making will allow for greater equity
- A diverse pool of parent viewpoints helps bridge cultural gaps.
Click here to learn more about a community councilwww.schools.utah.gov/schoollandtrust
Duties of the Community Council include the following:
Develop a School TSSA plan
Develop a School LAND Trust Program
Assist in the development and implementation of a Staff Development Plan
Develop a Child Access Routing Plan (elementary level only)
Advise and make recommendations to school and District administrators and to the
School Board when appropriate
Develop a Reading Achievement Plan (elementary level only)
Create subcommittees and task forces as needed
Ensure Digital Safety is completed
Make data based decisions for student needs
2024-2025 Committee Members- Click Name to submit an email.
Jess Warr
Kaitlin Tanner
Madison Tanner
Shanna Thomas
Jill Dallon
Melissa Morris
Meeting schedule for 2024-2025
Sept 24th @ 3:05pm Hold elections
2023-2024 Committee Members- Click name to submit an email.
○ Academic Area :English/ Language Arts
○ Measurement:
The community council used BOY to MOY 2022-2023 Acadience data:
40% of students K-6 were on the benchmark on Acadience composite.
0% of those not making progress will have a 30-point gain from BOY to MOY. 40% of students showed typical or above growth on the pathways.
Our 23-24 goal is :
50% of K-5 students will be on or maintain a grade level benchmark on Acadience composite. Those not making progress will have a 30point gain from BOY to MOY on the composite score. 50%of students K-5 will be at Typical or higher on Pathways of Progress.
Action Steps:
1- Give students diagnostic assessments (BPAST/ BEPA/ PAA screener) to identify specific reading skills needed.
2- All reading teachers will instruct using correct reading techniques and strategies.
3- Teachers will spend more time and focus on providing a quality tier 1 instruction.
4- Teachers will give formative assessments as students acquire and progress in their reading development.
5- Identified students will receive individualized tier 3 interventions using a paraprofessional.
6- Para will work with students.
7- Purchase materials to help with individual student needs.
○ Expenditures: $765.09
Epic membership for each family- $67 each x 5= $350
Books/ reading supplies- $106
PD for teachers- $209.09
Prime time supplies $100
Money Given: $765.09
Carry over- Additional supplies or PD opportunities
How publicized?
School website, email parents, assemblies, Newsletter
If additional funds are available how will they be used?
Carry over- Additional supplies
Grouse Creek TSSA goal:
Goal#1: 50% students K-6 will increase or maintain benchmark on Acadience composite. Those not making progress will have a 30 point gain from BOY to MOY on the composite score. 50% students K-6 will show growth using PathWays to Progress BOY to MOY.
Action Steps:
-Students will be given diagnostic assessments to identify specific reading skill needs using the BEPA, BPAST, and phonics assessments.
-Educators will administer the Acadience assessment three times per year and track progress using the progress monitoring materials.
-Educators will assess the reading fluency of students using Acadience progress monitoring and make adjustments accordingly.
-Teachers will provide specific skill instruction as well as give formative assessments as students acquire and progress in their reading development.
-Teachers will model fluent reading.
- Teachers and paras will attend Summer Teacher academy.
-Purchase Netsmartz internet safety program so students are aware of interview dangers while on the internet/ class link.
-Plan and execute a reading prime time event with students and their families. Prime time is an event where students read then take a brain break in between. This will encourage the importance and the fact that reading is fun and enjoyable.
Procedures for evaluation success in reaching this goal. What summative evidence will be used to show this activity is making a difference in student outcomes?
Success and progress will be easy to measure. The Acadience assessment is administered three times per year. We will closely monitor the progress of our students using various forms of data including: BPAST, BEPA, PAA assessments, Progress monitoring, Pathways of Progress and Lexia dashboard.
Procedures for evaluation success in reaching this goal. What summative evidence will be used to show this activity is making a difference in student outcomes?
-Teachers will attend Professional Development based on their individual and student needs.
-Teachers will incorporate their new skills and knowledge in their classrooms.
-Students will set individual goals (specifically reading and writing goals) and monitor their progress.
-A reward system will be established for students who meet or exceed their goal.
- A prime time event will be held to encourage reading with parents/ guardians.
Money Issued- $515
$400- Professional development
$100- Netsmartz program
$15- Supplies and materials for goals/ reading rewards/ prime time.
How publicized? School website, school assemblies, flyers, Facebook, Word of mouth, mailer to parents( put on Intouch system)
If additional funds are available how will they be used? Additional student incentives or Professional Development Opportunities.
Goal#1: 50% students K-6 will increase or maintain benchmark on Acadience composite. Those not making progress will have a 30 point gain from BOY to MOY on the composite score. 50% students K-6 will show growth using PathWays to Progress BOY to MOY.
○ Academic Area: Reading
○ Measurement:
50% students K-6 will increase or maintain benchmark on Acadience composite. Those not making progress will have a 30 point gain from BOY to MOY on the composite score. 50% students K-6 will show growth using PathWays to Progress BOY to MOY.
Action Steps:
1- Give students diagnostic assessments (BPAST/ BEPA/ PAA screener) to identify specific reading skills needed and individual data analyzed for next steps.
2- All reading teachers will instruct using correct reading techniques and strategies.
3- Teachers and ESP will spend more time and focus on providing a quality tier 1 instruction with PD on instructional strategies.
4- Teachers will give formative assessments (daily, weekly) as students acquire and progress in their reading development.
○ Expenditures:
Professional Development for teacher and staff-$300
Reading materials and supplies- $306
Story works and Story works Jr- $250
ESP attend teacher academy $300
Money Given: $1155.21
How publicized? School website, school assemblies, flyers
If additional funds are available how will they be used?
Additional professional development classes; more supplies and materials for individualized reading instruction
Grouse Creek TSSA goal:
Goal#1: 50% students K-6 will increase or maintain benchmark on Acadience composite. Those not making progress will have a 30 point gain from BOY to MOY on the composite score. 50% students K-6 will show growth using PathWays to Progress BOY to MOY.
Action Steps:
-Students will be given diagnostic assessments to identify specific reading skill needs using the BEPA, BPAST, and phonics assessments.
-Educators will administer the Acadience assessment three times per year and track progress using the progress monitoring materials.
-Educators will assess the reading fluency of students using acadience progress monitoring and make adjustments accordingly.
-Educators will monitor the reading skills of students using Lexia and make adjustments accordingly.
-Teachers will provide specific skill instruction as well as give formative assessments as students acquire and progress in their reading development.
-Teachers will model fluent reading.
- Purchase decodable books, high interest books and play scripts for student use in various genres.
-Purchase Netsmartz internet safety program so students are aware of interview dangers while on the internet/ class link.
-Plan and execute a reading prime time event with students and their families. Prime time is an event where students read then take a brain break in between. This will encourage the importance and the fact that reading is fun and enjoyable.
Procedures for evaluation success in reaching this goal. What summative evidence will be used to show this activity is making a difference in student outcomes?
Success and progress will be easy to measure. The Acadience assessment is administered three times per year. We will closely monitor the progress of our students using various forms of data including: BPAST, BEPA, PAA assessments, Progress monitoring, Pathways of Progress and Lexia dashboard.
Procedures for evaluation success in reaching this goal. What summative evidence will be used to show this activity is making a difference in student outcomes?Teachers will attend Professional Development based on their individual and student needs.
-Teachers will incorporate their new skills and knowledge in their classrooms.
-Students will set individual goals (specifically reading and writing goals) and monitor their progress.
-A reward system will be established for students who meet or exceed their goal.
- A prime time event will be held to encourage reading with parents/ guardians.
Money Issued- $515
$200- books/ Decodables/ play scripts
$100- Netsmartz program
$315- Supplies and materials for goals/ reading rewards/ prime time.
50% students K-6 will increase or maintain benchmark on Acadience composite. Those not making progress will have a 30 point gain from BOY to MOY on the composite score. 60% students K-6 will show growth using PathWays to Progress BOY to MOY.
Money Given: $426
Committee Members: Sarah Warr, Madison Tanner, Elizabeth Kelley, Jewel Franklin, Bradly Kelley, Melissa Morris
Current plan:
Goal: 100% of Grouse Creek students will make progress towards the benchmark as measured by the Acadience benchmark when taken in the spring of 2021. Students will each increase their words per minute by at least 10 words per minute.
Money Given: $679
Committee Members- Melissa Morris due to not enough people to serve at a committee- Special circumstance awarded.
GC allocation was $619
Goal #1
Grouse Creek School sees a need to continue to work on the overall reading proficiency of our students. We have based this need off of the current 2018-2019 Acadience mid-year test scores. Which indicates students tested were below benchmark for their current grade level in the area of Reading Comprehension. We will continue to integrate both fiction and non -fiction text into our students daily routines. These materials will align with Common Core, State, and Box Elder Standards. By the spring of 2020, 100% of the students attending Grouse Creek School will have improved their personal reading comprehension as determined by Acadience Reading Comprehension benchmark testing.
Goal #2
Student growth will be measured by Acadience Data Management. Student growth will focus on the Reading Comprehension section of the assessment. Growth will be determined off the beginning year score and the year end score for each student tested.
Council Members
Chair- Sarah Warr
Vice Chair: Vonda Blanthorn
Principal: Viola Foy
Parent: Gerald Foy
Parent: Kenny Warr
School Employee: Johnathan Evans
Goal: We will continue to work on improving our students overall reading proficiency. We will focus on integrating both non-fiction and fictional texts that align with the common core state standard. By the spring of 2019, 90% of the students attending Grouse Creek School will be reading on grade level as determined by the DIBELS assessment and any other state determined assessments.
Money Given: $854
Council Members:
Chair: Sarah Warr
Vice Chair Gerald Foy
Principal: Viola Foy
School Employee: RoseMary Tingey
Parent: Vonda Blanthorn
Parent: Kenny Warr
Parent; Clay Blanthorn
Goal: We will continue to work on improving our students reading proficiency. We will focus on non-fiction informational text that aligns with common core state standards. By the spring of 2018, 90% of our students will be reading on grade level as determined by the DIBELS assessment and other state determined assessments.
Money Given: $1018
Council Members
Chair: Heather Warr
Vice Chair: Shana Thomas
Principal: Viola Foy
Secretary: Vonda Blanthorn
Parent: Jerry Foy
Parent: Kelly Warr
School Employee: RoseMary Tingey
Parent: Clay Blanthorn
Parent: Antonio Arroyo
Goal: We will continue to work on improving our students reading proficiency. We will focus on non-fiction informational text that aligns with common core state standards. By the spring of 2017, 90 % of our students will be reading on grade level as determined by the DIBELS and SAGE tests.
Money Given: $1033
Council Members
Chair- Sarah Warr
Vice Chair- Shana Thomas
Principal: Viola Foy
Secretary: Vonda Blanthorn
Parent: Jerry Foy
Parent: Heather Warr
Parent: Kelly Warr
School Employee: RoseMary Tingey
Parent: Clay Blanthorn
Goal: Improve math performance. We had no students testing at the proficient level on the SAGE testing. Our goal is to get 33% of our students testing at the proficient level. We would like to reach this goal by the end of the 2015-2016 school year.
Academic Area; Mathematics
Measurements: We will use the SAGE testing results to assess our goal.
Per the amendment our goal was changed to focus on reading. We did reach our goal. The reading goal was measured by the use of DIBELS test and SAGE tests.
Money Given: $1283
Used for: Grouse Creek School will have a new faculty for the 2015-2016 school year. They will need to hire an aide or aides to help the teacher deliver differentiated instruction in their math teaching. Per the amendment our goal was changed to focus on reading. We purchased periodicals from Scholastic that qualified as informational text. We also hired a reading aide to help with literacy tutoring with the students of our school.
Council Members
Chair- Clay Blanthorn
Vice Chair- Sarah Warr
Principal- Viola Foy
Parent- Heather Warr
Parent- Shana Thomas
School Employee- Thra Howard
School Community Council Rules of Order and Procedure
All meetings are open to the public and the public is welcome to attend.
The chair or a co-chair conducts the meetings, makes assignments, and requests reports on assignments.
Meetings shall be conducted and action taken according to very simplified rules of parliamentary procedure as required in 53A-1a-108.1(9)(i).
Items on the agenda take priority over other discussions coming before the council.
Action of the council will be taken by motions and voting.
The motions and voting are recorded in the minutes
Grouse Creek was issued a special circumstance waiver because of the lack of those who can serve on the community council on October 12, 2020 by the Box Elder School Board